Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107
http://endeflores-herbalphytotherapy.... ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )

On August 3, 2009, Yawen Wayeni of Matembu village, Serui, in the Indonesian province of Papua, was captured by Indonesian paramililtary police (BRIMOB). These same sources maintain that during interrogation into the whereabouts of local pro-independence guerillas (OPM/TPN), BRIMOB officers sliced Wayeni's abdomen open with a bayonet, causing his death.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Internet Mahal di Indonesia Timur, BRTI Panggil Telkomsel
Sebuah petisi dibuat oleh salah satu anggota bernama akun Djali Gafur. Dia menyuarakan keresahannya sebagai pelanggan Telkomsel yang membebankan tarif internet lebih mahal di zona Indonesia Timur.
Di awal pembukaan tulisan, dia mengatakan bahwa internet dengan Telkomsel dapat menyebabkan gagap teknologi, kemiskinan, melatih diskriminasi, menyebabkan pecah-belah bangsa, iri hati, dengki, benci dan ingkar pada NKRI.Pembukaan yang tegas dan sarkas tersebut dilanjutkan dengan keluh kesahnya terhadap pembagian zona tarif internet oleh Telkomsel. Pembagian ini dibagi ke dalam 12 zona dengan 6 zona beda lainnya.
Baca: Tarif Internet Kemahalan, Pelanggan Telkomsel Teriak
Semakin ke ujung Indonesia, maka semakin mahal pula tarif yang dibebankan. Malahan ditulis, perbedaan harga antara zona 1 dan zona 12 bisa mencapai 100 persen.
"Telkomsel mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa pembagian 12 zona itu jadi semacam Shadow State, Negara Bayangan di dunia maya, namun nyata terasa di detak dada yang jelata. Mirip slogannya, “Makin Indonesia TELKOMSEL Begitu Dekat Begitu Nyata”. Memang terasa nyata sekali tarifnya mencekik." tulisnya di yang CNN Indonesia kutip.
Dengan kondisi tersebut, penulis petisi mengatakan bahwa mengakses internet di daerah NTT, Maluku dan Papua adalah satu kemewahan tersendiri.
"Kami harus mampu mengelola pendapatan pas-pasan biar tidak ketinggalan zaman. Kami bisa belajar banyak hal dari internet dan semua itu telah memberi kontribusi postif dalam hidup kami. Meskipun kami sadar, bila terlalu sering beli paket data internet maka kami bisa kurang gizi dan miskin mendadak."
Tulisan tersebut terlihat tidak tendesius, terbukti dia mengaku sebagai pengguna setia Telkomsel dan tidak ingin berpindah ke lain operator.
"Kami juga paham, Telkomsel adalah BUMN. Lini bisnis yang punya sumbangsi besar bagi APBN. Bayangkan, pada 2014 laba bersih Telkomsel itu Rp.66,25 triliun atau naik 10% dari tahun sebelumnya. Ini BUMN masa depan yang harus dijaga, dirawat sepenuh jiwa-raga."
"Berpindah ke lain hati (provider) bukanlah watak kami. Sejak pertama membeli HP kartu pertama yang tertanam adalah Telkomsel. Hingga tak jarang ada yang sudah setia 5 tahun, 10 tahun atau bahkan 15 tahun hidup bersama Telkomsel. Romantis sekali."
Di ujung kalimat petisi ini, permintaan mereka tidak muluk-muluk. Tujuannya adalah ingin agar Telkomsel kembali bijak dalam menetapkan tarif internet yang dirasa kelewat mahal untuk mereka.
"Owh Telkemsel.... dengarlah jeritan suara kami. Suara yang keluar dari lubuk hati kami paling dalam. Setulus-tulusnya cinta.
Wahai Telkomsel yang bijak-bestari. Sudilah kiranya engkau mengabulkan permohonan kami yang sahaya ini. Tak banyak, cuma satu, satu saja. Biar Tuan Untung Terus dan kami bahagia lahir-batin.
Hapus kebijakan zonasi paket data internet. Tentukan tariff reguler yang manusiawi, masuk akal, realistis dan visioner. Ini bukan hanya untuk masadepan Telkomsel tapi juga MasaDepan Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia."
Di awal pembukaan tulisan, dia mengatakan bahwa internet dengan Telkomsel dapat menyebabkan gagap teknologi, kemiskinan, melatih diskriminasi, menyebabkan pecah-belah bangsa, iri hati, dengki, benci dan ingkar pada NKRI.Pembukaan yang tegas dan sarkas tersebut dilanjutkan dengan keluh kesahnya terhadap pembagian zona tarif internet oleh Telkomsel. Pembagian ini dibagi ke dalam 12 zona dengan 6 zona beda lainnya.
Baca: Tarif Internet Kemahalan, Pelanggan Telkomsel Teriak
Semakin ke ujung Indonesia, maka semakin mahal pula tarif yang dibebankan. Malahan ditulis, perbedaan harga antara zona 1 dan zona 12 bisa mencapai 100 persen.
"Telkomsel mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa pembagian 12 zona itu jadi semacam Shadow State, Negara Bayangan di dunia maya, namun nyata terasa di detak dada yang jelata. Mirip slogannya, “Makin Indonesia TELKOMSEL Begitu Dekat Begitu Nyata”. Memang terasa nyata sekali tarifnya mencekik." tulisnya di yang CNN Indonesia kutip.
Dengan kondisi tersebut, penulis petisi mengatakan bahwa mengakses internet di daerah NTT, Maluku dan Papua adalah satu kemewahan tersendiri.
"Kami harus mampu mengelola pendapatan pas-pasan biar tidak ketinggalan zaman. Kami bisa belajar banyak hal dari internet dan semua itu telah memberi kontribusi postif dalam hidup kami. Meskipun kami sadar, bila terlalu sering beli paket data internet maka kami bisa kurang gizi dan miskin mendadak."
Tulisan tersebut terlihat tidak tendesius, terbukti dia mengaku sebagai pengguna setia Telkomsel dan tidak ingin berpindah ke lain operator.
"Kami juga paham, Telkomsel adalah BUMN. Lini bisnis yang punya sumbangsi besar bagi APBN. Bayangkan, pada 2014 laba bersih Telkomsel itu Rp.66,25 triliun atau naik 10% dari tahun sebelumnya. Ini BUMN masa depan yang harus dijaga, dirawat sepenuh jiwa-raga."
"Berpindah ke lain hati (provider) bukanlah watak kami. Sejak pertama membeli HP kartu pertama yang tertanam adalah Telkomsel. Hingga tak jarang ada yang sudah setia 5 tahun, 10 tahun atau bahkan 15 tahun hidup bersama Telkomsel. Romantis sekali."
Di ujung kalimat petisi ini, permintaan mereka tidak muluk-muluk. Tujuannya adalah ingin agar Telkomsel kembali bijak dalam menetapkan tarif internet yang dirasa kelewat mahal untuk mereka.
"Owh Telkemsel.... dengarlah jeritan suara kami. Suara yang keluar dari lubuk hati kami paling dalam. Setulus-tulusnya cinta.
Wahai Telkomsel yang bijak-bestari. Sudilah kiranya engkau mengabulkan permohonan kami yang sahaya ini. Tak banyak, cuma satu, satu saja. Biar Tuan Untung Terus dan kami bahagia lahir-batin.
Hapus kebijakan zonasi paket data internet. Tentukan tariff reguler yang manusiawi, masuk akal, realistis dan visioner. Ini bukan hanya untuk masadepan Telkomsel tapi juga MasaDepan Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia."
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Batu Akik - Batu Fosil Telur Naga Harga 5 Miliar
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107
http://endeflores-herbalphytotherapy.... ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107
http://endeflores-herbalphytotherapy.... ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Black Hole with Marcia Bartusiak | CfA
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107
http://endeflores-herbalphytotherapy.... ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107
http://endeflores-herbalphytotherapy.... ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Mengungkap Kebenaran ISIS Indonesia
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Akon - Freedom (Full Album)
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Activist's death angers Papuans
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Friday, 17 July 2015
Batu akik SOJOL Hercules @kejari tomohon
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Selamat Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1436 H - TVC Lebaran
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Monday, 13 July 2015
15.01 Ametrine - Millennium
Batu ametrin ini adalah jenis batu permata yang merupakan gabungan
dari dua jenis batu, yaitu amethys dan citrine, sehingga namanya
ametrin. Hal ini juga bisa di identifikasikan atas perpaduan warna indah
yang di milikinya, yaitu warna ungu dari batu amethyst, dan warna
orange dari batu citrine. Perpaduan warna dari amethyst dan citrine
inilah yang telah mengantarkan batu akik ametrin ini menjadi salah satu
batu permata yang sangat indah dan juga di buru oleh banyak orang.
Batu Ametrin di kenal juga sebagai tsytrine dan ada juga yang
menyebutnya bolivianite karena memang ametrin banyak di temukan di
bolivia. Hampir seluruh ametrin di tambang di bolivia, meskipun ada juga
yang berasal dari brazil dan india. Ametrin yang asli jarang di temui
di pasaran karena ametrin yang beredar kebanyakan palsu / sintetis.
Batu ini hanya dapat di temukan di kawasan pertambangan anahi,
Bolivia. Hal ini di karenakan hanya tempat itulah yang mempunyai kondisi
lingkungan alam yang berkombuniasi secara unik yang dapat menciptakan
batu ametrine. Mulai dari suhu, tekanan, dan juga lingkungan kimia yang
ada di sana. Namun batu ini juga di buat secara sintetis di kawasan
rusia. Sejak tahun 1944, rusia telah menyempurnakan produksi kuarsa dua
warna ini dengan cara di iriadiasi sehingga muncul warna ametrin.
Batu ametrin pertama kalinya di kenalkan di pasaran pada tahun 1980.
Batu ini merupakan batu yang tergolong langka , bahkan banyak orang tak
mengenali nama batu ini walau ia telah beredar di pasaran.
Harga batu Ametrine dengan dimensi 10, 21 x 7, 72 x 6, 20 mm di jual
seharga Rp. 875.000, sedangkan harga bongkahan batu ametrine yaitu
$20/gram atau sekitar Rp. 260.000/ gram
• Memiliki tingkat kekerasan hingga 7 skala mohs,
• Memiliki kandungan kimia SiO2 di dalamnya
• Memiliki sistem kristalisasi Hexagonal.
• Memiliki warna ungu dari jenis Amethyst dan kuning atau oranye dari batu permata Citrine,
• Memiliki tingkat transparansi yang tinggi atau cenderung terlihat bening.
• Memiliki serat-serat batuan yang sangat halus, dan biasanya serat
tersebut hanya akan dapat terlihat jika menggunakan sebuah alat bantu
seperti kaca pembesar saja.
• Untuk lebih jelasnya, mungkin akan lebih baik jika dilakukan tes
berkelanjutan pada sebuah laboratorium untuk dapat mengetahui tingkat
keaslian dari jenis batu permata Ametrin tersebut.
• Bersihkan Batu ametrine secara teratur di tempat membersihkan perhiasan.
• Sediakan air hangat yang sedikit dibubuhi sabun lalu sikat batu ini
dengan sikat yang berbulu halus, ini adalah cara yang tepat untuk
membersihkan batu ini.
• Hindarkan ametrine diterpa sinar matahari panas dalam waktu lama karena diyakini akan memucatkan warnanya.
• Hindari terkena gores atau gesekan dengan batu mulia yang lain.
• Zat-zat kimia dalam parfum dan hairspray bisa membentuk lapisan di
atas permukaan batu ametrine yang mengakibatkan batu terlihat kusam.
Batu Ametrine di percaya mempunyai berbagai khasiat, diantaranya :
• Bermanfaat bagi orang yang gemar melakukan meditasi.
• Dapat membantu seseorang untuk membuka cakra ketiga
• Dapat mengatasi pikiran seseorang agar tetap kuat dan stabil diatas masalah yang tengah di hadapi.
• Menjaga mental seseorang agar tetap kuat terjaga, dan menjaganya untuk tidak goyah.
• Membantu untuk mendapatkan inspirasi dan sudut pandang baru untuk menghadapi masalah yang tengah di hadapi.
• Mengatasi berbagaipenyakit yang berhubungan dengan stress
Batu ametrin ini adalah jenis batu permata yang merupakan gabungan
dari dua jenis batu, yaitu amethys dan citrine, sehingga namanya
ametrin. Hal ini juga bisa di identifikasikan atas perpaduan warna indah
yang di milikinya, yaitu warna ungu dari batu amethyst, dan warna
orange dari batu citrine. Perpaduan warna dari amethyst dan citrine
inilah yang telah mengantarkan batu akik ametrin ini menjadi salah satu
batu permata yang sangat indah dan juga di buru oleh banyak orang.
Batu Ametrin di kenal juga sebagai tsytrine dan ada juga yang
menyebutnya bolivianite karena memang ametrin banyak di temukan di
bolivia. Hampir seluruh ametrin di tambang di bolivia, meskipun ada juga
yang berasal dari brazil dan india. Ametrin yang asli jarang di temui
di pasaran karena ametrin yang beredar kebanyakan palsu / sintetis.
Batu ini hanya dapat di temukan di kawasan pertambangan anahi,
Bolivia. Hal ini di karenakan hanya tempat itulah yang mempunyai kondisi
lingkungan alam yang berkombuniasi secara unik yang dapat menciptakan
batu ametrine. Mulai dari suhu, tekanan, dan juga lingkungan kimia yang
ada di sana. Namun batu ini juga di buat secara sintetis di kawasan
rusia. Sejak tahun 1944, rusia telah menyempurnakan produksi kuarsa dua
warna ini dengan cara di iriadiasi sehingga muncul warna ametrin.
Batu ametrin pertama kalinya di kenalkan di pasaran pada tahun 1980.
Batu ini merupakan batu yang tergolong langka , bahkan banyak orang tak
mengenali nama batu ini walau ia telah beredar di pasaran.

Harga batu Ametrine dengan dimensi 10, 21 x 7, 72 x 6, 20 mm di jual
seharga Rp. 875.000, sedangkan harga bongkahan batu ametrine yaitu
$20/gram atau sekitar Rp. 260.000/ gram
• Memiliki tingkat kekerasan hingga 7 skala mohs,
• Memiliki kandungan kimia SiO2 di dalamnya
• Memiliki sistem kristalisasi Hexagonal.
• Memiliki warna ungu dari jenis Amethyst dan kuning atau oranye dari batu permata Citrine,
• Memiliki tingkat transparansi yang tinggi atau cenderung terlihat bening.
• Memiliki serat-serat batuan yang sangat halus, dan biasanya serat
tersebut hanya akan dapat terlihat jika menggunakan sebuah alat bantu
seperti kaca pembesar saja.
• Untuk lebih jelasnya, mungkin akan lebih baik jika dilakukan tes
berkelanjutan pada sebuah laboratorium untuk dapat mengetahui tingkat
keaslian dari jenis batu permata Ametrin tersebut.
• Bersihkan Batu ametrine secara teratur di tempat membersihkan perhiasan.
• Sediakan air hangat yang sedikit dibubuhi sabun lalu sikat batu ini
dengan sikat yang berbulu halus, ini adalah cara yang tepat untuk
membersihkan batu ini.
• Hindarkan ametrine diterpa sinar matahari panas dalam waktu lama karena diyakini akan memucatkan warnanya.
• Hindari terkena gores atau gesekan dengan batu mulia yang lain.
• Zat-zat kimia dalam parfum dan hairspray bisa membentuk lapisan di
atas permukaan batu ametrine yang mengakibatkan batu terlihat kusam.
Batu Ametrine di percaya mempunyai berbagai khasiat, diantaranya :
• Bermanfaat bagi orang yang gemar melakukan meditasi.
• Dapat membantu seseorang untuk membuka cakra ketiga
• Dapat mengatasi pikiran seseorang agar tetap kuat dan stabil diatas masalah yang tengah di hadapi.
• Menjaga mental seseorang agar tetap kuat terjaga, dan menjaganya untuk tidak goyah.
• Membantu untuk mendapatkan inspirasi dan sudut pandang baru untuk menghadapi masalah yang tengah di hadapi.
• Mengatasi berbagaipenyakit yang berhubungan dengan stress
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Crazy CIA Remote Controlled Human! Full Documentary 2015
Kota Kupang mengalami gangguan jaringan internet dan telepon yang
parah selama 8 jam pada Minggu (11/7) mulai pukul 11.00-19.00 Wita.
Gangguan ini terjadi jelang kedatangan Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Jusuf
Kalla ke Kupang untuk menghadiri peringatan HUT Koperasi ke 68. Jusuf
Kalla tiba di Bandara El Tari sekitar pukul 14.30 Wita, sampai upacara
perayaan HUT Koperasi berakhir, jaringan telepon tidak kunjung normal.
Kondisi ini mengakibatkan aktivitas sebagian besar warga yang
menggunakan internet lumpuh termasuk wartawan. Wartawan yang meliput
kegiatan Jusuf Kalla juga tidak mampu berbuat banyak.
Sesuai pantuan, akibat gangguan ini, selama kurun waktu tersebut
tidak ada laporan kegiatan wakil presiden dari Kupang yang ditayangkan
di media online.
Warga yang menanti kedatangan Jusuf Kalla juga mengeluh karena tidak dapat mengirim pesan singkat. Begitu pula aparat keamanan.
Terkait lumpuhnya jaringan telepon dan internet tersebut sampai
Minggu malam, tidak pemberitahuan terutama dari Telkomsel sebagai salah
satu penyedia jaringan selular di Kota Kupang. Apalagi meminta maaf
kepada pelanggan.
“Operator di Kupang tahu bahwa jaringan telepon dan internet lumput
tetapi mereka acuh. Mereka anggap biasa dan tidak perlu meminta maaf
kepada pelanggan,” kata Kristoforus, warga Kelurahan Liliba.
Ia mengatakan para pelanggan Telkomsel dapat menuntut ganti rugi dari operator telepon seluler terkait gangguan tersebut.
parah selama 8 jam pada Minggu (11/7) mulai pukul 11.00-19.00 Wita.
Gangguan ini terjadi jelang kedatangan Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Jusuf
Kalla ke Kupang untuk menghadiri peringatan HUT Koperasi ke 68. Jusuf
Kalla tiba di Bandara El Tari sekitar pukul 14.30 Wita, sampai upacara
perayaan HUT Koperasi berakhir, jaringan telepon tidak kunjung normal.
Kondisi ini mengakibatkan aktivitas sebagian besar warga yang
menggunakan internet lumpuh termasuk wartawan. Wartawan yang meliput
kegiatan Jusuf Kalla juga tidak mampu berbuat banyak.
Sesuai pantuan, akibat gangguan ini, selama kurun waktu tersebut
tidak ada laporan kegiatan wakil presiden dari Kupang yang ditayangkan
di media online.
Warga yang menanti kedatangan Jusuf Kalla juga mengeluh karena tidak dapat mengirim pesan singkat. Begitu pula aparat keamanan.
Terkait lumpuhnya jaringan telepon dan internet tersebut sampai
Minggu malam, tidak pemberitahuan terutama dari Telkomsel sebagai salah
satu penyedia jaringan selular di Kota Kupang. Apalagi meminta maaf
kepada pelanggan.
“Operator di Kupang tahu bahwa jaringan telepon dan internet lumput
tetapi mereka acuh. Mereka anggap biasa dan tidak perlu meminta maaf
kepada pelanggan,” kata Kristoforus, warga Kelurahan Liliba.
Ia mengatakan para pelanggan Telkomsel dapat menuntut ganti rugi dari operator telepon seluler terkait gangguan tersebut.
Saturday, 11 July 2015
GUAAGAM3134PE peridot gemstone price
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KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Nancy Ajram - Enta Eih / نانسى عجرم - إنت إيه
Late Sunday, hackers dumped online a massive trove of
emails and other documents obtained from the systems of Italian
surveillance firm Hacking Team. The company’s controversial technology
is sold to governments around the world, enabling them to infect
smartphones and computers with malware to covertly record conversations
and steal data.
emails and other documents obtained from the systems of Italian
surveillance firm Hacking Team. The company’s controversial technology
is sold to governments around the world, enabling them to infect
smartphones and computers with malware to covertly record conversations
and steal data.
For years, Hacking Team has been the subject of scrutiny
from journalists and activists due to its suspected sales to despotic
regimes. But the company has successfully managed to hide most of its
dealings behind a wall of secrecy – until now.
from journalists and activists due to its suspected sales to despotic
regimes. But the company has successfully managed to hide most of its
dealings behind a wall of secrecy – until now.
For the last few days, I have been reading through the
hacked files, which give remarkable insight into Hacking Team, its blasé
attitude toward human rights concerns, and the extent of its spyware
sales to government agencies on every continent. Adding to the work of my colleagues to analyze the 400 gigabyte trove of hacked data, here’s a selection of the notable details I have found so far:
hacked files, which give remarkable insight into Hacking Team, its blasé
attitude toward human rights concerns, and the extent of its spyware
sales to government agencies on every continent. Adding to the work of my colleagues to analyze the 400 gigabyte trove of hacked data, here’s a selection of the notable details I have found so far:
Demo for Bangladesh “death squad”
In May, a Hacking Team representative traveled to Dhaka
in Bangladesh to demonstrate the company’s spy technology at the
headquarters of a brutal paramilitary security agency that is known for
torture and extrajudicial killings. The Rapid Action Battalion (pictured
above) – described by Human Rights Watch as a “death squad”
that has perpetrated systematic abuses over more than a decade – wanted
to see “a practical demonstration” of Hacking Team’s surveillance
equipment “in the ground settings of Bangladesh,” according to the
company’s emails. Last month, a reseller for Hacking Team in Bangladesh
reported that he had submitted the bid papers for the deal and was “pushing RAB to select our offer through our personal relationship.”
in Bangladesh to demonstrate the company’s spy technology at the
headquarters of a brutal paramilitary security agency that is known for
torture and extrajudicial killings. The Rapid Action Battalion (pictured
above) – described by Human Rights Watch as a “death squad”
that has perpetrated systematic abuses over more than a decade – wanted
to see “a practical demonstration” of Hacking Team’s surveillance
equipment “in the ground settings of Bangladesh,” according to the
company’s emails. Last month, a reseller for Hacking Team in Bangladesh
reported that he had submitted the bid papers for the deal and was “pushing RAB to select our offer through our personal relationship.”
DEA mass surveillance in Colombia
Hacking Team supplies its technology to the DEA, which one email shows
is apparently using the spyware to launch surveillance operations from
the U.S. embassy in Bogota, Colombia. More notably, the email suggests
that, in addition to the Hacking Team technology, the DEA is also using
other spying equipment at the embassy in Colombia to perform dragnet
Internet surveillance. Last month, a Hacking Team field engineer had a
meeting with DEA agents in Cartagena and noted that he was told the
agency had “bought another interception tool (something that will
receive all the traffic for Colombian’s [sic] ISPs).”
is apparently using the spyware to launch surveillance operations from
the U.S. embassy in Bogota, Colombia. More notably, the email suggests
that, in addition to the Hacking Team technology, the DEA is also using
other spying equipment at the embassy in Colombia to perform dragnet
Internet surveillance. Last month, a Hacking Team field engineer had a
meeting with DEA agents in Cartagena and noted that he was told the
agency had “bought another interception tool (something that will
receive all the traffic for Colombian’s [sic] ISPs).”
Impressing dictator’s spies
In October 2014, in Doha, Qatar, Hacking Team demonstrated
its technology for two officers from Belarus intelligence agency the
Operations and Analysis Center, or OAC. The Belarus government is an
authoritarian regime that been accused by Human Rights Watch of
suppressing “virtually all forms of dissent,” cracking down on
journalists, activists, opposition politicians, and anyone else deemed
to have deviated too far from the orthodoxy of despotic president
Alexander Lukashenko, known as “Europe’s last dictator.” Nevertheless,
these issues don’t seem to have put off Hacking Team’s attempts to make a
sale. “The prospect confirms to be impressed by our solution,” noted
a Hacking Team employee after the meeting with the two officers. “They
will evaluate to proceed with the Sales Department to arrange a
dedicated meeting.” It is unclear from the emails whether the sale went
ahead or if efforts to finalize it are still ongoing.
its technology for two officers from Belarus intelligence agency the
Operations and Analysis Center, or OAC. The Belarus government is an
authoritarian regime that been accused by Human Rights Watch of
suppressing “virtually all forms of dissent,” cracking down on
journalists, activists, opposition politicians, and anyone else deemed
to have deviated too far from the orthodoxy of despotic president
Alexander Lukashenko, known as “Europe’s last dictator.” Nevertheless,
these issues don’t seem to have put off Hacking Team’s attempts to make a
sale. “The prospect confirms to be impressed by our solution,” noted
a Hacking Team employee after the meeting with the two officers. “They
will evaluate to proceed with the Sales Department to arrange a
dedicated meeting.” It is unclear from the emails whether the sale went
ahead or if efforts to finalize it are still ongoing.
Sales through Israeli company
One of Hacking Team’s key corporate partners is Nice
Systems, an Israel-based company with close links to Israeli military
and intelligence agencies. (CEO Barak Eilam, for instance, was formerly
an officer with an “elite intelligence unit” in the Israeli Defense
Forces, according to his biography. Eilam’s LinkedIn profile links him to Unit 8200, Israel’s signals intelligence corps.) The leaked Hacking Team documents show
that Nice has been working on closing a large number of deals for the
company across the world, winning contracts in Azerbaijan and Thailand
and pushing for sales in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel,
Kuwait, Finland, Georgia, Greece, India, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,
Kirghistan, and elsewhere.
Systems, an Israel-based company with close links to Israeli military
and intelligence agencies. (CEO Barak Eilam, for instance, was formerly
an officer with an “elite intelligence unit” in the Israeli Defense
Forces, according to his biography. Eilam’s LinkedIn profile links him to Unit 8200, Israel’s signals intelligence corps.) The leaked Hacking Team documents show
that Nice has been working on closing a large number of deals for the
company across the world, winning contracts in Azerbaijan and Thailand
and pushing for sales in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel,
Kuwait, Finland, Georgia, Greece, India, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,
Kirghistan, and elsewhere.
Hacking Team had not responded to a request for
comment on this story at time of publication. On Tuesday, a spokesman
for the company told the International Business Times:
“We don’t have anything to hide about what we are doing and we don’t
think that there is any evidence in this 400GB of data that we have
violated any laws and I would even go so far as to argue that there is
no evidence that we have behaved in anything but a completely ethical
comment on this story at time of publication. On Tuesday, a spokesman
for the company told the International Business Times:
“We don’t have anything to hide about what we are doing and we don’t
think that there is any evidence in this 400GB of data that we have
violated any laws and I would even go so far as to argue that there is
no evidence that we have behaved in anything but a completely ethical
Top clients
According to the hacked files,
Hacking Team’s top sales in recent years have come from governments and
law enforcement agencies in these countries, in descending order of
sales: Mexico, Italy, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Chile, Hungary, Malaysia,
UAE, the United States, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Sudan, Uzbekistan,
Panama, Ethiopia, Egypt, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, South Korea,
Mongolia, Vietnam, Spain, Ecuador, Oman, Switzerland, Thailand, Russia,
Nigeria, Turkey, Cyprus, Honduras, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Poland, and
Hacking Team’s top sales in recent years have come from governments and
law enforcement agencies in these countries, in descending order of
sales: Mexico, Italy, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Chile, Hungary, Malaysia,
UAE, the United States, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Sudan, Uzbekistan,
Panama, Ethiopia, Egypt, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, South Korea,
Mongolia, Vietnam, Spain, Ecuador, Oman, Switzerland, Thailand, Russia,
Nigeria, Turkey, Cyprus, Honduras, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Poland, and

Attempts to break U.K. market
Police agencies in the United Kingdom have trialled
Hacking Team’s technology, and have been attempting to purchase it for
years, but have been hindered by apparent concerns about the legality of the technology.
Hacking Team’s technology, and have been attempting to purchase it for
years, but have been hindered by apparent concerns about the legality of the technology.
In May 2011, through a U.K.-based corporate partner, Hacking Team arranged a secretive meeting
with several interested British agencies. The company was told by the
partner that attendees would possibly include London’s Metropolitan
Police, the government’s Home Office, domestic intelligence agency MI5,
customs officials, the Serious Organised Crime Agency, and others.
with several interested British agencies. The company was told by the
partner that attendees would possibly include London’s Metropolitan
Police, the government’s Home Office, domestic intelligence agency MI5,
customs officials, the Serious Organised Crime Agency, and others.
After this meeting, in September 2013, the London police force told
Hacking Team that it was “now ready to progress” with a trial of the
spying tool. In December the same year it then invited Hacking Team to
formally submit a bid for a spy technology contract. A confidential document
outlined that the force wanted to obtain “‘Software’ that can be
covertly introduced to a third parties device and will allow us to
‘Look, Listen and Follow’ the third party. The Authority will receive,
record and playback the ‘Product’ retrieved from the third party on a
‘System’ that shall be scalable, using proven technology that has
in-built security measures appropriate to this task.”
But the deal with the London cops, worth £385,000 ($591,000) to Hacking Team, was abruptly haltedHacking Team that it was “now ready to progress” with a trial of the
spying tool. In December the same year it then invited Hacking Team to
formally submit a bid for a spy technology contract. A confidential document
outlined that the force wanted to obtain “‘Software’ that can be
covertly introduced to a third parties device and will allow us to
‘Look, Listen and Follow’ the third party. The Authority will receive,
record and playback the ‘Product’ retrieved from the third party on a
‘System’ that shall be scalable, using proven technology that has
in-built security measures appropriate to this task.”
in in May 2014 following “internal reviews on how we wished to move
this area of technology forward,” according to an email from the police,
although the force left the door open for a future deal, adding: “Of
course in the months/years to come this could change and if that is the
case then we would welcome your organization’s participation.”
Since then, Hacking Team has continued to try to crack the U.K. market. It tried – and apparently failed – to set up a deal
with Staffordshire Police after an officer contacted the company
seeking technology to “access WiFi points to check users” and infect
devices to covertly collect data.
with Staffordshire Police after an officer contacted the company
seeking technology to “access WiFi points to check users” and infect
devices to covertly collect data.
Hacking Team discussed whether it could sell its technology disguised under a different name, “hiding” its full functionality.
And in January this year it began negotiating a
contract with the British National Crime Agency. The meeting was a
success, with an officer for the agency telling Hacking Team
that a demonstration of the covert surveillance technology “was
extremely well received and proved to be a real eye opener for what can
be achieved.”
contract with the British National Crime Agency. The meeting was a
success, with an officer for the agency telling Hacking Team
that a demonstration of the covert surveillance technology “was
extremely well received and proved to be a real eye opener for what can
be achieved.”
In April, the same officer told
Hacking Team he wanted a quote for basic spyware that would log
keystrokes, noting that he could “then grow the system accordingly as we
would then have the base platform.” Hacking Team was interested in this
proposal and discussed
internally whether it could sell its technology disguised under a
different name, “hiding” its full functionality. The deal appears to
have since stalled, with the British agency telling Hacking Team in late
May it was “unable to arrange” a meeting.
Hacking Team he wanted a quote for basic spyware that would log
keystrokes, noting that he could “then grow the system accordingly as we
would then have the base platform.” Hacking Team was interested in this
proposal and discussed
internally whether it could sell its technology disguised under a
different name, “hiding” its full functionality. The deal appears to
have since stalled, with the British agency telling Hacking Team in late
May it was “unable to arrange” a meeting.
Plotting denials
Hacking Team’s emails reveal its deceitful attempts
to positively spin news reports that have exposed the company’s
technology being used against journalists and activists in repressive
countries. In October 2012, for example, Bloomberg and Citizen Lab
revealed the company’s technology had apparently been used to target a
pro-democracy activist in the United Arab Emirates, who was tracked down
and beaten by suspected agents of the state. But instead of accepting
responsibility and taking firm action against its customer, Hacking Team
chose to issue a series of denials.
to positively spin news reports that have exposed the company’s
technology being used against journalists and activists in repressive
countries. In October 2012, for example, Bloomberg and Citizen Lab
revealed the company’s technology had apparently been used to target a
pro-democracy activist in the United Arab Emirates, who was tracked down
and beaten by suspected agents of the state. But instead of accepting
responsibility and taking firm action against its customer, Hacking Team
chose to issue a series of denials.
A technical analysis of the malware used against the
activist showed it contained the acronym “RCS,” a reference to Hacking
Team’s flagship spyware called Remote Control System. Hacking Team’s
public relations guru Eric Rabe scrambled to find
a way to muddy the waters, suggesting to his colleagues that they could
identify another software with RCS in its name and pin the blame on
that. He proposed the company could announce that “The initials RCS are,
of course, the initials of a Hacking Team product, Remote Control
System, but are also commonly used in software code for the term (WHAT?)
Frankly they could mean anything.”
activist showed it contained the acronym “RCS,” a reference to Hacking
Team’s flagship spyware called Remote Control System. Hacking Team’s
public relations guru Eric Rabe scrambled to find
a way to muddy the waters, suggesting to his colleagues that they could
identify another software with RCS in its name and pin the blame on
that. He proposed the company could announce that “The initials RCS are,
of course, the initials of a Hacking Team product, Remote Control
System, but are also commonly used in software code for the term (WHAT?)
Frankly they could mean anything.”
In other emails in the trove, Hacking Team employees appear to confirm that their spy tool did target the UAE activist. While discussing a Slate piece
I wrote on the incident in October 2012, Hacking Team developer Marco
Valleri says in the UAE case malware was “downloaded” to infect the
activist’s device from “our old demo server.” Moreover, as my colleague
Lee Fang has reported,
the hacked data shows Hacking Team’s technology has been sold to the
UAE since at least 2011. The pro-democracy activist was targeted by it
in July 2012.
I wrote on the incident in October 2012, Hacking Team developer Marco
Valleri says in the UAE case malware was “downloaded” to infect the
activist’s device from “our old demo server.” Moreover, as my colleague
Lee Fang has reported,
the hacked data shows Hacking Team’s technology has been sold to the
UAE since at least 2011. The pro-democracy activist was targeted by it
in July 2012.
Enemies list
A presentation
prepared by Hacking Team for a surveillance conference in South Africa
later this month shows the company complaining about the “chilling
effect” that it claims regulation of surveillance technology is having
on the ability to fight crime.
prepared by Hacking Team for a surveillance conference in South Africa
later this month shows the company complaining about the “chilling
effect” that it claims regulation of surveillance technology is having
on the ability to fight crime.
The presentation singles out the organizations Hacking Team views as its main adversaries, noting that it is a “target”
of groups such as Human Rights Watch and Privacy International and
warning that “democracy advocates” are putting pressure on governments.
of groups such as Human Rights Watch and Privacy International and
warning that “democracy advocates” are putting pressure on governments.
Separately, the company’s emails show CEO David Vincenzetti’s reaction to criticism from activist groups, who he says are “idiots” good at “manipulating things and demonizing companies and people.”
In one email
sent last month, Vincenzetti seems to have unwittingly foreseen the
future, jokingly warning staff about the ramifications of the company’s
sensitive information leaking online.
sent last month, Vincenzetti seems to have unwittingly foreseen the
future, jokingly warning staff about the ramifications of the company’s
sensitive information leaking online.
“Imagine this: a leak on WikiLeaks showing YOU
explaining the evilest technology on earth! :-)” he wrote. “You will be
demonized by our dearest friends the activists, and normal people will
point their fingers at you.”
explaining the evilest technology on earth! :-)” he wrote. “You will be
demonized by our dearest friends the activists, and normal people will
point their fingers at you.”
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
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Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Saturday, 4 July 2015
Justin Timberlake - Not A Bad Thing (#NotABadLoveStory Fan Video)
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Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
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